

Today, the 26th of April, 2023, in my journey through emotional maturity, I learnt the depths of an emotion: hate. It can manifest physically in the bitter knot in your throat that you can’t seem to swallow, or the pain in your chest that tightly wraps around your heart. Or, even, the salty tears that drop down your cheeks when you think of the object of your ire. But, that’s not all hate does to you. It poisons your thoughts, and it darkens your soul. Hate is such a powerful emotion that if you do not tame it, it will consume you whole.



Chukwunweike Araka
Chukwunweike Araka

Written by Chukwunweike Araka

As a writer I believe I'm actively part of humanity's collective memory and conscience. And as such, I owe the duty of telling the truth at all times.

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