
Ultimately, gratitude helps us say “it’s not so bad after all.” But in a world that promotes instant gratification, people are often robbed of the richness that comes with exploring a wider array of emotions and mental states than just happiness and satisfaction. Life comes in seasons. Joy, sorrow, excitement, melancholy. It’s all part of the ride, and it’s all bound to come if one lives long enough.

And, I hate being a law student and a struggling writer. I have been there that’s why I know 😅
But if you like writing as much as you do, I’m sure you can always make out time for your art. Law is a jealous lover, but so many good lawyers have made beautiful authors.
In all, it was a nice and relatable piece.



Chukwunweike Araka
Chukwunweike Araka

Written by Chukwunweike Araka

As a writer I believe I'm actively part of humanity's collective memory and conscience. And as such, I owe the duty of telling the truth at all times.